ROAD poster d4 red.png

A woman awakens paralysed on a deserted outback road with a dead kangaroo to her left and a smashed motorbike to her right. During the next 24 hours, she encounters dangers from the present and is haunted by the past. 

In the searing heat with her only protection a petrol-soaked top, a delirium overtakes her and she is ‘visited’ by those closest to her, who bring accusations and clues to her predicament. As darkness falls her hopes of being rescued are becoming grim.

After fighting for survival and to justify her actions to her family, she questions whether or not she wants to survive and return to her former life. She feels the environment call ing her and starts to transform, never to return to the life that didn’t want her. Wandering the wasteland, she now has one quest… vengeance.


Man, or Human, versus nature movies have always frightened me. We believe we are in control of the planet, but just one bad choice could leave us vulnerable to justifiably vengeful elements. I feel as though nature could take us out as a species, in one mass of global weather, or, it could pick us off one by one, letting individuals make the errors.